“Boxing helped me a lot growing up. It taught me how to stay disciplined not only inside the gym but, outside as well.”
At 25-years of age and three years into the fight scene, Tyler Davies has been brewing up a storm in the South West of England.
The Bristolian’s most recent triumph came against a durable Rhys Saunders in a four round contest that saw Davies move up to seven victories in seven appearances and heading into 2020 with a clean slate.
But, where did it all start for Tyler?
Like most professional fighters his roots date all the way back to his youthful years, a time spent delving into his personality, figuring out his own interests as the transition from boy to man takes place.
“Boxing started out as just something to do for me and it only really got serious when I started to develop a buzz for it, the sort of buzz that I’d never felt from playing football or rugby, which I did a lot of back then.”
“Boxing helped me a lot growing up. It taught me how to stay disciplined not only inside the gym but, outside as well.”
Inspiration plays a huge role in the lives of young fighters, especially within boxing. So, who is it that Tyler looked up to and what posters hung above his bed during his younger years?
“My idol growing up was Ricky Hatton. I loved the man’s style and his aura in the ring, you just knew that it’d be an exciting fight is he was involved. In today’s game I think Tyson Fury in an inspiration. His comeback was nothing short of sensational, and the way he got up off the canvas after taking a punch from the most devastating finisher in the fight scene was incredible.”
Looking back over what has been a short career so far, Tyler has dazzled on several occasions but, one moment stands above the rest for the 25-year-old.
“The highlight of my career so far has to be when I made my professional debut in front of all my friends and family. So many people came out to support me, which was amazing. It gave me such a buzz.”
As well as inspiration, motivation plays a key role in the success of a professional fighter and Tyler needs that drive to keep ticking over and over.
“I motivate myself by staying focused and keeping myself in the gym. I always want to perform my best and give my fans good value for money when they come to watch me fight so that keeps me motivated. I also have goals I have set for myself and I focus on that.”
Warming up and dealing with pre-fight nerves is one of the biggest challenges to overcome in the professional fight scene, each fighter has their own unique way to get pumped before a fight or even to stay calm cool and collected. Which methods does Tyler implement into his game?
“I normally just try and stay relaxed and focused before a fight rather than getting too pumped up. My walk out music is all of the lights – Kayne West, this comes from watching the Kell Brook and Golovkin fight and the reception the song got. The next walk out song may change in the future though.”
With a current record of 7-1-0, Tyler is showing great determination to progress through the ranks and to make a name for himself in the lightweight division.
“This year I want at least 10 victories. Looking beyond that, I’ve got my sights on becoming the British Champion. Anything that comes after that would be amazing.”
Tyler wrapped up with a token of gratitude to his fans for buying the tickets, making the journey and coming out to show their support for him.
“ I just want to give a massive thank you for continuing to support me, the reception i get when i walk out for fight night makes all the stress and graft worth it.”
Read more on Pawel August HERE
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Tyler would like to thank his loyal fans, followers and sponsors or the continued support:
Design Scaffolding, M.G Plumbing, Fight N Fit, D+D Shoe Repair.
Read more on Design Scaffolding HERE
Read more on MG Plumbing HERE
Read more on Fight n Fit HERE
Read more on D&D Shoe Repairs HERE